Blurring Books
Production design, custom typography, book cover design, book layout design and more for various authors and artists. Collaborating closely with Blurring Books founder DJ DB.
Production design, custom typography, book cover design, book layout design and more for various authors and artists. Collaborating closely with Blurring Books founder DJ DB.
︎2024 – On going
︎2024 – On going
TRiP MAGAZEEN 1992-1994 The Complete Collection – Peter Wohelski, DJ THREE & GRUMPTRONIX (346 pages, 8.5” x 11”, Softcover)
I designed the book cover (front/spine/back) and internal layout, along with taking care of all scan editing needs to preserve ledgibility and visual quality of the original publication.
I designed the book cover (front/spine/back) and internal layout, along with taking care of all scan editing needs to preserve ledgibility and visual quality of the original publication.

BOWIES BACK – Ron Gott (60 pages, 7” x 9”, Softcover)
I designed the book cover (front/back) and internal layout, along with photo editing to digitally preserve film photography prints from over 40 years ago.
I designed the book cover (front/back) and internal layout, along with photo editing to digitally preserve film photography prints from over 40 years ago.