Blurring Books
Production design, custom typography, book cover design, book layout design and more for various authors and artists. Collaborating closely with Blurring Books founder DJ DB.
︎2024 – On going

TRiP MAGAZEEN 1992-1994 The Complete Collection – Peter Wohelski, DJ THREE & GRUMPTRONIX (346 pages, 8.5” x 11”, Softcover)
I designed the book cover (front/spine/back) and internal layout, along with taking care of all scan editing needs to preserve ledgibility and visual quality of the original publication.

BOWIES BACK – Ron Gott (60 pages, 7” x 9”, Softcover)
I designed the book cover (front/back) and internal layout, along with photo editing to digitally preserve film photography prints from over 40 years ago.